13 Dec 2012

NIB provides loan for new school centre in Tampere, Finland

NIB and SEB Leasing Oy have signed a loan agreement totalling EUR 27 million to finance the acquisition of a school centre that is to be leased to the city of Tampere, Finland.

The greenfield project encompasses the building of a school centre in the district of Vuores, a new area currently under construction. Serving as the first public building in the new district, the school centre will be a low-energy construction pilot project, aligned with the sustainable development goals of Tampere. This is also the first leasing financed school project in city. In addition to an elementary school with a capacity of 1,200 pupils, the centre will also include a pre-school, a day-care centre and a healthcare centre.

“With this school centre in place, the city of Tampere will be able to provide robust access to education and healthcare – pivotal in a well-functioning, competitive society,” says Henrik Normann, NIB President & CEO.

The green district, Vuores, is to be built by 2020, with estimated residences for 13,000 inhabitants. New technologies will be utilised, and the district is planned as an area of residency, commerce and trade. The district is located close to the Tampere-Helsinki motorway, 15 minutes by car from the Tampere-Pirkkala airport and 7 kilometres from Tampere city centre.

The lesee, the City of Tampere, is the third largest city in Finland, and the Pirkanmaa region is one of the most rapidly developing regions in Finland.

The Nordic Investment Bank is the common international financial institution of the eight Nordic and Baltic countries. NIB provides long-term financing for projects that strengthen competitiveness and enhance the environment. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.

For further information, please contact:

Sebastian Påwals, Senior Manager, Origination, at +358 10 618 0527,

sebastian.pawa<!–MIXMAIL–>ls<!–MIXMAIL–>  (at) <!–MIXMAIL–>nib.int<!–MIXMAIL–>

Tarja Kylänpää, Senior Director, Origination, at +358 10 618 0237,

tarja.kyl<!–MIXMAIL–>anpaa<!–MIXMAIL–>  (at) <!–MIXMAIL–>nib.i<!–MIXMAIL–>nt

Kyra Koponen, Communications Officer, at +358 10 618 0297,

kyra.kopon<!–MIXMAIL–>en<!–MIXMAIL–>  (at) <!–MIXMAIL–>ni<!–MIXMAIL–>b.int

Related resources

12 Dec 2012

SEB Leasing Oy

EUR 30 million