Sweden. Deutsche Leasing Sverige AB

Date of agreement:09 Nov 2017
Customer:Deutsche Leasing Sverige AB
Amount in EUR:EUR 12.19 million
Maturity:5 years
NACE sector / loan type:Loan programme


The loan programme has been provided to finance leasing and lending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and small mid-caps in NIB’s member countries. The previous loan programme with Deutsche Leasing Sverige agreed in 2016 has been allocated to SME and small mid-cap projects primarily in Sweden and Denmark.

Deutsche Leasing Sverige was established in 2006. It provides leasing services in Sweden as well as in Denmark, Finland and Norway. SMEs account for 80% of the company’s customers and mid-caps for 20%.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Leasing finance provides opportunities for SMEs and small mid-caps to acquire costly equipment. The loan programme is expected to alleviate credit constraints and facilitate productivity growth. Access to finance in the SME sector is of greater concern than to large enterprises, mainly because SMEs and small mid-caps are dependent on bank financing. Improved access to financing for projects that raise productivity can increase competitive pressure and efficiency in the markets.

Sustainability summary

Projects to be financed through a financial intermediary must fulfil the sustainability requirements defined in NIB’s Sustainability Policy and Guidelines.

Press release

NIB and Deutsche Leasing Sverige launch new facility for small businesses

Press release

NIB och Deutsche Leasing Sverige lanserar en ny lånefacilitet för småföretag