Sweden. Municipality of Varberg

Date of agreement:24 Apr 2017
Customer:Municipality of Varberg
Amount in SEK:SEK 100 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 10.45 million
Maturity:5 years
NACE sector / loan type:Sewage and refuse disposal, sanitation and similar activities

This loan has a positive effect on maritime environments: 100%

Financing from NIB Environmental Bond proceeds

NEB-eligible share: 100%

NEB category: Water management and protection

Amount disbursed: EUR 10.5 million

Note: For loans in other currencies than EUR, the equivalent in EUR is based on the exchange rate effective for the disbursement. Read more about the NIB Environmental Bonds


The loan has been provided for the construction of a new wastewater pipeline and other smaller pipeline extensions in the municipality of Varberg, on Sweden’s western coast. The municipality is investing in an 18-kilometre pipeline to connect the village of Bua to Varberg’s central wastewater treatment plant. The wastewater treatment plant currently in use in Bua will be closed. The project also includes the installation of seven pumping stations as well as smaller sewage system extensions. Construction is underway and scheduled to be completed in June 2017.

Varberg is located in the county of Halland on the west coast of Sweden and has a population of 61,868.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

By centralising wastewater treatment, the pipeline from Bua to the centralised wastewater treatment plant will increase efficiency and reduce discharges of pollutants to the sea. The new pipeline will significantly increase the productivity of wastewater treatment in the region without adding to the operational costs of the centralised wastewater treatment plant, which has sufficient capacity for the greater treatment volume.

Sustainability summary


There are several areas with high nature protection values between Bua and the wastewater treatment plant. All of these areas have been assessed, and restrictions for the positioning of the pipeline as well as an action plan for mitigation of impacts have been developed. The installation of the wastewater pipeline is already more than halfway done, and no significant issues have been encountered in the process.


Press release

NIB finances wastewater treatment capacity increase on Swedish west coast

Press release

NIB finansierar kapacitetsutbyggnad av avloppsrening i Varberg