Latvia. Riga Psychiatric Clinic

Date of agreement:15 Nov 2007
Customer:Riga Psychiatric Clinic
Amount in EUR:EUR 26.3 million
Maturity:30 years
NACE sector / loan type:Health care sector


The loan will finance the development and modernisation of the Riga Psychiatric Clinic’s (RPC) infrastructure, including the construction of a new building for patients, student training facilities, and the renovation of existing buildings. The total project costs stand at EUR 63 million, which is, apart from the NIB loan, also financed from EU structural funds and the state budget. The project is expected to be completed in 2011. The modernisation of the RPC is part of the state programme of reforming and upgrading the national health care sector being carried out in 2005-2010. The RPC is the principal psychiatric clinic in Latvia, serving an area with about 1.5 million people, or 70% of the country’s population. It is the only provider of tertiary care within the psychiatric field. The hospital is also a national base for student diploma training and scientific research as well as the sole provider of forensic expertise and treatment for the state.

Press release

NIB long-term financing for Latvian hospital modernisation

Press release

NIB piešķir ilgtermiņa finansēšanu Latvijas slimnīcai