Sweden. Sparbanken Skåne

Date of agreement:23 Dec 2016
Customer:Sparbanken Skåne
Amount in SEK:SEK 500 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 51.8 million
Maturity:7 years
NACE sector / loan type:Loan programme


The loan programme is provided for onlending to small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs), small mid-caps and environmental projects in the region of Skåne in southern Sweden.

Given the extensive reach of Sparbanken Skåne among small companies in the region, funds under this facility will be onlent for productive investments to clients in a broad range of sectors, including farming, manufacturing, trade, construction and corporate services.

Sparbanken Skåne is the largest of the Swedish independent savings banks. It was established in 2014 through a merger of Färs & Frosta Sparbank, Sparbanken 1826 and parts of Sparbanken Öresund’s business. It is a regional bank with a presence in 15 municipalities in southern Sweden.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

The facility is expected to alleviate credit constraints for SMEs and small mid-caps and facilitate productivity growth.

Sustainability summary

Projects to be financed through a financial intermediary must fulfil the sustainability requirements defined in NIB’s Sustainability Policy and Guidelines.

Press release

NIB launches SME loan facility with Sparbanken Skåne

Press release

NIB och Sparbanken Skåne lanserar en lånefacilitet för små och medelstora företag