Iceland. Byggðastofnun (Icelandic Regional Development Institute)

Date of agreement:22 Oct 2015
Customer:Byggðastofnun (Icelandic Regional Development Institute)
Amount in EUR:EUR 12 million
Maturity:10 years
NACE sector / loan type:Loan programme


The loan programme has been provided for onlending to small and medium-sized enterprises in rural areas of Iceland. The financing can be used for R&D, tangible capital such as machinery and equipment, ICT, investments in tourism infrastructure, small industry, fishing vessels and farming.

Byggdastofnun, a state development agency, was founded in 1985. Its purpose is to foster regional development in Iceland by implementing government policy by introducing regional strategies and supporting long-term projects. Currently, Byggdastofnun has 350 customers in tourism (30% of customers), the fishing industry (22%), general industry (18%) and agriculture (11%). Since 1988, NIB has agreed 13 loan programmes with Byggdastofnun totalling approximately EUR 135 million for financing SMEs, municipal projects and regional development.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Eligible projects should fulfil NIB’s criteria for SMEs and the sustainability requirements defined in the Bank’s Sustainability Policy and Guidelines. Given that SMEs are responsible for a considerable share of aggregate output and employment in the membership area, improved access to financing can increase competitive pressure and efficiency in the market.

Sustainability summary

Projects to be financed through a financial intermediary must fulfil the sustainability requirements defined in NIB’s Sustainability Policy and Guidelines.

Press release

NIB and Byggdastofnun open a loan facility for Icelandic SMEs

Press release

Norræni fjárfestingarbankinn og Byggðastofnun semja um lánafyrirgreiðslu fyrir smá og meðalstór fyrirtæki á Íslandi