Finland. Elisa Corporation

Date of agreement:21 Dec 2011
Customer:Elisa Corporation
Amount in EUR:EUR 50 million
Maturity:7 years
NACE sector / loan type:Post and telecommunications


The 7-year-maturity loan totalling EUR 50 million has been provided for the expansion of 3G broadband networks. The borrower is investing in high-speed broadband networks in smaller towns and rural areas of Finland. The NIB loan will help Elisa Corporation achieve a better balance in its debt portfolio maturity.

Elisa is a telecommunications and ICT service company serving approximately 2.2 million consumers, companies and public administration organisations.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Elisa’s activity is part of the communications infrastructure in Finland and Estonia. Efficient infrastructure is important for the competitiveness of both countries. The investments are essential for Elisa to keep in pace with telecom services development and to maintain Elisa’s competitive edge and technological leadership

Sustainability summary

The expansion of the 3G network and increases in the speed and capacity of the broadband network in Finland has insignificant environmental impacts.

Press release

NIB lends to Finnish Elisa for network expansion

Press release

NIB ger lån till finska Elisa för nätutbyggnad