21 Jun 2011

NIB to finance Finland’s largest academic library

NIB has signed a loan agreement with the University of Helsinki Funds. The loan, totalling EUR 27 million, will be used for the construction of Finland’s largest academic library.


The University of Helsinki, Finland’s oldest, largest and most multi-disciplinary university, is developing its library structure. The new library will be situated in Helsinki city centre, with construction works having begun in 2010 and expected to be completed in 2012.


Currently, the University Library’s city centre campus has library facilities, administration and services spread out over 11 separate locations. By joining five faculty libraries, the university aims to provide more comprehensive and efficient library services for the more than 22,000 students and 1,000 teachers and researchers who use the city centre campus.


“Higher education is central to maintaining and promoting the Finnish innovation society. By financing the construction of a new academic library through the University of Helsinki Funds, NIB seeks to support the competitiveness and sustainable growth of Finland,” says Johnny Åkerholm, President and CEO of NIB.


The project also comprises important infrastructure investments aimed at enhancing the environment. The energy savings created by the new library building are expected to reduce annual CO2 emissions by some 2,000 tonnes per year. Furthermore, the University of Helsinki seeks to attain the internationally-recognised LEED (Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design) for New Construction gold certification for its new library. This would be the first gold certificate awarded to a public building in Finland.


The University of Helsinki Funds operates as a separate entity from the University of Helsinki, with the aim of supporting the university’s operations, research, teaching and students.


NIB is a multilateral financial institution owned by eight member countries: Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank finances private and public projects in and outside the member countries. NIB has the highest possible credit rating, AAA/Aaa, with the leading rating agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s.

For further information,

Mr Sebastian Påwals, Senior Manager Origination, at +358 10 618 0527, mixIt(‘seba’,’stian.pawals’,’nib.’,’int’,”,’1349245961823-0′);sebastian.pawals (at) nib.int

Ms Nina Näsman, Communications, at +358 10 618 0417, mixIt(‘nina.na’,’sman’,’nib.int’,”,”,’1349245961823-1′);nina.nasman (at) nib.int

Related resources

20 Jun 2011

The University of Helsinki Funds

EUR 27 million



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