Nordic Investment Bank
The international financial institution of the Nordic and Baltic countries
NIB’s vision is a prosperous and sustainable Nordic–Baltic region. NIB finances projects that improve productivity and benefit the environment of the Nordic and Baltic countries. Further integration between the member countries’ economies is an essential part of the Bank’s purpose. To support the productivity of its member countries, NIB-financed projects should focus on
- technical progress and innovation
- human capital and equal economic opportunities
- improvements in infrastructure
- market efficiency and business environment
In terms of the environment, NIB lends to projects that foster:
- pollution reduction
- preventive measures
- resource efficiency
- development of clean technology
- climate change mitigation
The Bank offers long-term loans and guarantees on market terms to its clients in the private and public sectors. Projects considered for financing are viewed from a sustainability perspective.

NIB is an international financial institution owned by Denmark, Estonia, Finland, Iceland, Latvia, Lithuania, Norway and Sweden. The Bank has lending operations both in and outside its member countries.
NIB acquires the funds for its lending by borrowing on the international capital markets. NIB’s bonds enjoy the highest possible credit rating.