Lithuania. UAB Kauno Autobusai

Date of agreement:12 Dec 2019
Customer:UAB Kauno Autobusai
Amount in EUR:EUR 17.5 million
NACE sector / loan type:Land transport

Financing from NIB Environmental Bond proceeds

NEB-eligible share: 100%

NEB category: Clean transport solutions

Amount disbursed: EUR 17.5 million

This project has been financed with the proceeds of NEBs issued under the previous framework

Note: For loans in other currencies than EUR, the equivalent in EUR is based on the exchange rate effective for the disbursement. Read more about the NIB Environmental Bonds


The loan has been granted to finance the purchase of 85 new low-floor electric trolleybuses for public transportation in Kaunas, Lithuania.

The new vehicles will replace 92 old trolleybuses that are currently in use.

The fleet renewal will help to reduce maintenance costs and will increase the comfort of passengers. The new trolleybuses will have a more efficient traction system and better climate control, resulting in a substantially improved public service.

UAB Kauno Autobusai is a municipally owned public transport provider in Kaunas, Lithuania’s second-largest city of around 300,000 inhabitants. The company operates a fleet of 154 trolleybuses and 270 buses, carrying approximately 80 million passengers annually.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


The new trolleybuses will provide a substantial public service improvement.

The current trolleybuses are over 30 years old. They have limited climate control, high noise levels, and are physically run-down in general.

The low floor will allow easier boarding, especially for people with baby strollers or persons with impaired mobility. It is expected that each trolleybus will spend less time at the stops, resulting in time savings for the passengers once the timetables are adjusted.

Expected impacts related to the investment:

  • Time savings in current routes
  • Cost savings related to electricity consumption and maintenance works
  • Decreased number of breakdowns


The investments in new fully electrified trolleybuses will result in a better working public transportation system.

The vehicles will have a more efficient traction system. However, due to the higher energy consumption related to better air conditioning, LED information displays and heating installations, the overall use of energy per vehicle is estimated to remain similar to the current levels.

Sustainability summary

The project does not require environmental impact assessment or environmental permits. No significant negative environmental or social impacts are anticipated.


Press release

NIB funds new trolleybuses in Kaunas, Lithuania

Press release

NIB finansuoja naujuosius Kauno troleibusus

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