Sweden. Tele2 AB

Date of agreement:28 Sep 2012
Customer:Tele2 AB
Amount in NOK:NOK 550 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 74 million
Maturity:8 years
NACE sector / loan type:Post and telecommunications


The NOK 550 million loan is earmarked to expand Tele2’s mobile network in Norway. Tele2’s investment in the mobile network infrastructure will increase capacity and help it grow its market share.

Stockholm-based Tele2 is the third largest mobile operator in Norway with about 1.2 million customers. Tele2 operates in 11 countries in Europe, Russia and Kazakhstan, offering mobile services, fixed broadband and telephony, data network services, cable TV and content services.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Tele2’s network investment is expected to increase capacity, coverage and further stimulate competition in Norway’s mobile phone and broadband market.

Sustainability summary


NIB sees no significant environmental issues related to the purchase, installation and operation of telecom equipment.


Press release

NIB to finance mobile network upgrade in Norway

Press release

NIB finansierar mobilnätsuppgradering i Norge