Norway. Schibsted ASA

Date of agreement:16 Jun 2015
Customer:Schibsted ASA
Amount in EUR:EUR 50 million
Maturity:10 years
NACE sector / loan type:Research and development


The loan has been provided to finance the company’s restructuring from print to digital media. Schibsted Media Group has international operations in 29 countries and is based in Oslo, Norway. Its products include online classifieds, financial consumer transaction services and media houses. Schibsted employs more than 6,900 people.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

The investment is designed to promote Schibsted’s digital transformation. The company estimates the investment to add a significant value to its product offerings.

No environmental benefits or potential for significant negative environmental impact could be identified. Thus, the environmental impact of the project is assessed as “Neutral”.

Sustainability summary


The project has no potential for significant negative impact.


Press release

NIB to finance Schibsted’s digital development

Press release

NIB finansierer digital utvikling i Schibsted