Finland. Rovaseudun Markkinakiinteistöt Oy

Date of agreement:09 Jun 2015
Customer:Rovaseudun Markkinakiinteistöt Oy
Amount in EUR:EUR 7.5 million
Maturity:20 years
NACE sector / loan type:Construction


The loan has been provided for the construction Ounasrinne, a multipurpose education facility located in the town of Rovaniemi in northern Finland. The project will be realised during the years 2015 to 2016.

The building will replace the old Ounasrinne School, demolished because of significant indoor air quality problems, and house primary and secondary education facilities, sport and youth spaces, healthcare services and a library. The new facility will allow for more flexible use of space and be able to cater for an increased number of students.

Rovaseudun Markkinakiinteistöt Oy is a real estate development company owned by the town of Rovaniemi.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

The project will improve the capacity of elementary education in the Rovaniemi region. Further, the new facilities will offer space for other residential services, such as adaptation programmes for immigrants. The project supports urban development in Rovaniemi, where population growth and other demographic trends are increasing demand for improved infrastructure and services.

Sustainability summary


Energy efficiency is one of the project’s objectives. The total annual energy use of the building is estimated at approximately 1,000 MWh, while CO2 emissions are assessed to be around 200 tonnes a year. The building is designed to meet the requirements for class B in the EU energy efficiency labelling scheme. Renewable energy installations are not planned. The facility will be constructed on concrete pillars to prevent moisture from melt water damaging the foundations.


Press release

NIB funds education centre in northern Finland

Press release

NIB finansierar bildningscentrum i norra Finland