Denmark. Ringkjøbing Landbobank A/S

Date of agreement:29 Jun 2023
Customer:Ringkjøbing Landbobank A/S
Amount in DKK:DKK 500 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 67.1 million
Maturity:10 years


The loan has been provided for Ringkjøbing Landbobank AS (RLB) for on-lending to environmental projects, SMEs and SMCs in Denmark.

A substantial part of the loan is expected to be allocated to renewable energy projects.

Established in 1886, Ringkjøbing Landbobank is a Danish regional and niche bank with branches in central, western and northern Jutland, Copenhagen and Aarhus.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


Widespread economic research suggests that SMEs generally face greater challenges in accessing finance than larger enterprises. Access to finance is a significant concern for SMEs because they tend to rely more heavily on bank financing than larger companies, which have other financing instruments available. Therefore, a loan programme aimed at companies of smaller size will improve their access to finance, therefore strengthening their overall growth and productivity developments.


The objective of this loan program is to allocate a significant portion of the funds to environmental projects, with a strong focus on renewable initiatives such as wind, solar, and potentially biogas.

Sustainability summary

The borrower will be responsible for ensuring that the sub-projects meet NIB’s mandate criteria and submitting monitoring reports annually to NIB.

Press release

NIB continues to fund environmental projects, SMEs and SMCs in Denmark

Press release

NIB og Ringkjøbing Landbobank finansierer miljøprojekter, SMV’er og SMC’er