Norway. Posten Norge AS

Date of agreement:07 Dec 2017
Customer:Posten Norge AS
Amount in NOK:NOK 500 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 51.3 million
Maturity:7 years
NACE sector / loan type:Construction


The modernisation and expansion of the Alnabru logistics centre is a central part of Posten Norge’s new strategy to centralize logistic terminals and optimise transport and logistics across Norway. The Alnabru terminal is the company’s main hub for logistic operations in Norway, handling parcels, cargo and thermo transports.

The project will lead to efficiency gains, mainly due to more efficient transports with the same trucks used for both parcels and cargo transports and through increasing processing capacity of parcels at the terminal. Further, the logistic centre is located next to a train cargo terminal, which allows for better use of rail transport.

Upon completion, the new expanded logistic centre will replace two smaller facilities, which will be taken out of operation.

Posten Norge is the Norwegian postal service. The company is owned by the Norwegian Ministry of Transport and Communication, and it operates 16 logistics centres and 30 post offices across the country, as well as over 1,400 outlets in retail stores.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


Well-functioning transport and logistics are important for the effective functioning of product and service markets. The upgraded Alnabru hub will allow Posten Norge to centralise services, which is expected to lead to larger transport volumes, cost savings and reduced transport distances. The project is expected to contribute to the efficiency of the Nordic region’s goods market.


The expansion and modernisation of the Alnabru centre is expected to improve the company’s logistics, e.g. by reducing the distances driven by empty vehicles. Further, the proximity of the centre to the train cargo terminal will increase the use of rail transport. The decreased need for transportations leads to reduced emissions of greenhouse gases as well as other transport related emissions and impacts. Posten Norge is further planning on increasing the use of electrical vehicles and biofuels in the future.

Sustainability summary


The key environmental issues linked to the project include traffic emissions, energy use and on-site soil contamination. The traffic emission as well as the overall use of energy by the Posten Norge´s logistic centres is decreasing due to the project. . Part of the site of the Alnabru centre held contaminated soil from a former diesel fuel station. The contamination has been remediated.


Press release

NIB finances the expansion of Posten Norge’s logistics centre

Press release

NIB finansierer utvidelsen av Posten Norges logistikksenter