Sweden. Municipality of Tanum

Date of agreement:25 Oct 2018
Customer:Municipality of Tanum
Amount in SEK:SEK 150 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 14.65 million
Maturity:25 years
NACE sector / loan type:Collection, purification and distribution of water

Financing from NIB Environmental Bond proceeds

NEB-eligible share: 68%

NEB category: Blue Bond project

Amount disbursed: EUR 9.7 million

Note: For loans in other currencies than EUR, the equivalent in EUR is based on the exchange rate effective for the disbursement. Read more about the NIB Environmental Bonds


NIB is providing long-term financing to the municipality of Tanum to install a wastewater pipe from Fjällbacka to the more efficient wastewater treatment plant in Bodalen, and to expand an existing drinking water plant.

Tanum is located on the west coast of Sweden and has a population of some 12,700 inhabitants. During summer, the population grows considerably. Because of that, the municipality needs to increase and enhance its drinking water supply capacity.

The wastewater projects will improve the collection and sewage system, and reduce the infiltration of storm water into the sewage system.

In total, the investment programme in water and wastewater amounts to approximately SEK 300 million, of which about SEK 100 million is for investments in the freshwater infrastructure, with the remainder for improvements in the wastewater infrastructure.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Extension of wastewater treatment services will improve comfort for inhabitants and reduce the nutrient load from wastewater discharges into the ecosystem.

Safe fresh water is essential for public health and is one of the most important prerequisites for good living.

The wastewater investment ensures that the quality of the wastewater remains at acceptable levels.

The fresh water project is not expected to have significant impacts on the environment.

Sustainability summary

No environmental concerns have been identified.

Press release

NIB financing municipal water infrastructure in Tanum, Sweden

Press release

NIB finansierar infrastruktur för kommunalt vatten i Tanum