Finland. Elisa Corporation

Date of agreement:25 Jun 2008
Customer:Elisa Corporation
Amount in EUR:EUR 50 million
Maturity:10 years
NACE sector / loan type:Post and telecommunications


The 10-year-maturity loan totalling EUR 50 million has been provided for financing the expansion of the 3G and broadband networks. In the last three years, Elisa has implemented a large-scale investment programme aimed at building up and expanding the 3G mobile telecommunications network and increasing the capacity of the fixed-line broadband network. Elisa, the leading Finnish telecommunications service company, has over 1.3 million fixed-line subscriptions and 2.4 million mobile customers in Finland. It also operates a mobile telecom network in Estonia.

Sustainability summary


Elisa’s investments in its mobile and fixed-line telecommunications networks are regarded as having a minor and manageable effect on the environment. All investments are being made in Finland and new construction (base stations etc.) will be required to receive the necessary permits.