South Africa. Development Bank of Southern Africa

Date of agreement:01 Feb 2018
Country:South Africa
Customer:Development Bank of Southern Africa
Amount in USD:USD 100 million
Amount in EUR:EUR 94.7 million
Maturity:10 years
NACE sector / loan type:Loan programme


The loan programme has been provided to finance projects in African countries that involve Nordic–Baltic interests and conform to NIB’s mandate.

The Development Bank of Southern Africa (DSBA) is a fully state-owned development finance institution in South Africa with a regional mandate for operations in the countries of the Southern African Development Community. The bank’s mission includes advancing the development impact in the region by expanding access to development finance. The DBSA’s main product is long-term loans for infrastructure projects, particularly in such economic sectors as energy, transport, water and sanitation, as well as ICT.

The DBSA has already previously acted as an intermediary for an NIB loan programme totalling USD 30 million, which was agreed between the banks in 1998 and fully allocated to projects in Zambia and Mozambique.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Each allocation will be assessed for mandate fulfilment.

Sustainability summary

All projects considered for financing will be assessed for conformity with NIB’s and the DBSA’s environmental and social policies.

Press release

NIB agrees loan facility with Development Bank of Southern Africa