Lithuania. AB Klaipedos Nafta

Date of agreement:28 Apr 2017
Customer:AB Klaipedos Nafta
Amount in EUR:EUR 20.4 million
Maturity:15 years
NACE sector / loan type:Manufacture of refined petroleum products


The loan has been provided for the construction of a reloading station for liquefied natural gas (LNG) and the extension of an oil terminal at the port of Klaipeda, Lithuania.

The new LNG reloading station will be able to store up to 5,000 cubic metres of gas for supplies to the Baltic countries and north-eastern Poland. The station is expected to be ready in late 2017.

The improvements will help expand the petroleum product reloading capacity of Klaipedos Nafta’s oil terminal and will increase the flexibility of petroleum products storage.

The company will construct facilities at the port of Klaipeda:

– two tanks with capacities of 400 cubic metres and 300 cubic metres, and four additional loading points equipped with an automated system for transferring petroleum products from tanks to trucks

– three tanks with a capacity of 5,000 cubic metres each and four tanks of 1,400 cubic metres each to store light oil products, five kilometres of pipelines, a pumping station and automation systems

– two tanks with a capacity of 4,200 cubic metres each for the treatment of ballast water from vessels and other hazardous petrochemical-contaminated wastewater.

The majority state-owned oil and gas company Klaipedos Nafta AB operates the LNG terminal and the oil terminal at the port of Klaipeda.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate


By increasing the capacity of the light oil product tanks, the company will be able to accumulate larger amount and larger variety of oil products. Faster turnover of oil products will increase efficiency.

The investment project is expected to expand the company’s client base, as the new functionality and increased capacity of the LNG reloading infrastructure will make LNG better available to larger groups of consumers in the Baltic countries. The project is likely to promote competition and increase the efficiency of the regional fuel and transport markets.


Enlarging the storage and reloading capacity and locating it closer to the water treatment station will decrease the use of energy and risk of chemical leakage. Skimmed petrochemicals are planned to be sold through an auction procedure.

Sustainability summary


The project site is situated only 0.36 kilometres away from the National Park Curonian Spit, a Natura 2000 area. However, none of the activities has the potential to result in a negative impact on the protected area. The area has been used for loading and unloading petrochemical products since the 1920s. The soil and groundwater in the area are partly contaminated and will be brought to a treatment station and processed according to standards.

The expansion of the truck loading bay capacities will be made to an existing facility with low potential for significant negative environmental impact.

The expansion of tanks for light oil products will have low potential for a significant negative impact on the environment, as all environmental safety measures are in place. The main environmental issue may be product vapours from the tanks as well as trucks and railway cars. These vapours will be collected and incinerated.

The construction of heavy fuel oil separation tanks for the treatment of ballast water from vessels and other hazardous petrochemical-contaminated wastewater will have low potential for a significant negative impact on the environment.


Press release

NIB finances Klaipedos Nafta’s LNG reloading station and oil terminal

Press release

Šiaurės investicijų bankas finansuoja SGD paskirstymo stotį ir naftos terminalo plėtrą