Finland. Aalto University Foundation

Date of agreement:16 Nov 2016
Customer:Aalto University Foundation
Amount in EUR:EUR 60 million
Maturity:20 years
NACE sector / loan type:Construction

This loan contributes to climate change mitigation: 100%

Note: For loans in other currencies than EUR, the equivalent in EUR is based on the exchange rate effective for the disbursement. Read more about the NIB Environmental Bonds


The loan has been provided for the construction of new Aalto University premises in Otaniemi in Espoo near Helsinki.

The project consists of two buildings with a total floor area of 43,000 square metres for the university’s School of Art, Design and Architecture and School of Business. Construction started in 2016 and is expected to be completed in 2019. This project is part of a larger investment programme to construct a new core campus for Aalto University.

Aalto University Foundation, operating as Aalto University, seeks to promote free research along with scientific and artistic erudition as well as to provide research-based higher education. The university is an autonomous, multidisciplinary science and art community that operates in the fields of technology, economics, art and design.

Fulfilment of NIB's mandate

Centralising the university campuses is expected to make research and teaching activities more efficient as well as to offer students and researchers more opportunities for interdisciplinary collaboration. Furthermore, the new premises will allow for higher energy efficiency and more flexible teaching space solutions as well as reduce the university’s operating costs.

Education ranks among the most important ways to raise labour productivity across sectors in an economy. By contributing to the efficiency of learning processes, this project has the potential to marginally increase the return on students’ investments in education.

Sustainability summary


By gathering several university departments in the same area, the new campus will enable more efficient use of the premises. No significant negative environmental impacts are expected.


Press release

NIB funds new Aalto University campus near Helsinki

Press release

NIB finansierar nytt campus för Aalto-universitetet