Legal framework and policy documents

NIB is governed by its constituent documents, namely the Agreement among its member countries and the Statutes, as well as the Host Country Agreement concluded between NIB and the Government of Finland and the Host Country Agreement concluded between NIB and the Republic of Latvia. These establish that NIB is the member countries’ common international financial institution, having the same status as other legal persons conducting similar operations within and outside the member countries. 

Furthermore, the constituent documents stipulate that NIB has the status of an international legal person with full legal capacity, define the immunities and privileges of the Bank and its personnel and set out the structure for the governance of the Bank. In addition to the constituent documents of the Bank, NIB’s activities are governed by a number of policies, guidelines and instructions adopted by the Board of Directors or the President.

The following documents are publicly available:


Constituent documents

Constituent Documents: Agreement on NIB, Amending Agreement, Statutes, and Host Country Agreement


Principles for Capital and Liquidity Management

Principles for Dividend

Governance-related documents

Code of Conduct for the Control Committee

Code of Conduct for the Board of Directors and the President

Rules of Procedure for the Board of Governors

Rules of Procedure for the Board of Directors

Rules of Procedure for the Control Committee

Policies and guidelines

Climate Strategy

Enforcement Policy

European principles for the environment 

ESG Guidelines for Lending

IFI framework for a harmonised approach to greenhouse gas accounting 

IFI uniform framework for preventing and combating fraud and corruption

Integrity and compliance policy

Integrity due diligence policy

Investigation Policy

Liquidity policy

Mission, strategy and values

Operational risk policy

Personal Data Governance Policy

Prevention of Market Abuse Policy

Procurement guidelines for projects financed by NIB

Procurement guidelines for projects financed by grants from trust funds administered by NIB

Project Accountability Policy

Public Information Policy

Responsible Investment Framework

Risk Appetite Statement

Risk Management Policy

Speaking up and Whistle-blower Protection Policy

Sustainability Policy

Staff-related documents

Overview of the legal framework for the staff

Arbitration regulations

Code of Conduct for Staff

Equality, Diversity & Inclusion Plan

Ombudsman regulations

Staff Regulations

Rules for the Cooperation Council