NIB at COP27

NIB is part of the COP27 climate talks in Sharm EL Sheikh, Egypt. Join us at the Nordic Pavilion or tune in the discussion online.

In anticipation of a greener spring

The war in Ukraine emphasises the need for new renewable energy capacity and energy security. How fast can we move to clean and renewable energy and the role of sustainable finance? Are governments investing in short-term energy security risking the green transition? What is realistic short- and long term?
Bjarni Benediktsson, Minister of Finance and Economic Affairs, Iceland, Coalition of Finance Ministers for Climate Action
Christophe McGlade, Head of Energy Supply Unit, International Energy Agency
Nadia Gullestrup Christensen, Chair of Danish Youth Climate Council
Luca De Lorenzo, Head of Sustainability & Mandate at NIB
Moderator: Jukka Ahonen, Head of Communications at NIB
Watch the recording from the Finance Day at the Nordic Pavilion:
You do not have to fly all the way to Egypt to participate in the UN Climate negotiations. All events will be streamed.

Investing for a greener world

In light of COP27, NIB and other international financial institutions showcase their role in facilitating climate change solutions.